Membership Requirements:
Membership in the New Zealand Grand Priory, of the Order of Saint Lazarus, is by invitation to practicing Christian men and women.
Applicants must be of good character and standing in the community, and wish to help ease the suffering of mankind. This invitation usually comes from the Commander of the area Commandery. The Commander, after approving a personal CV, and a favorable personal interview by at least two (2) members of the Order, will invite the potential member to complete detailed application forms, which are vetted by the Membership Council. Once these forms have been approved, by both the Council and the Grand Master, the applicant is invited to join the Order as a postulant, and will be invested as an officer (OLJ) in due Course.
The Order of Saint Lazarus is a Christian Order of Chivalry, and some written evidence of an applicant's Christian committment will be required. This can be in the form of a Baptismal/Confirmation Certificate and confirming letter from the candidate's pastor. Furthermore, as the Order is dedicated to charitable works, there is an annual charitable (tax deductible) financial obligation. This is in addition to an annual oblation (dues) and a one-time passage and insignia fee.
Applicants are also required to submit a clearance from the New Zealand Police.
If you are interested in obtaining further information on the Order of Saint Lazarus, or you are considering becoming a member of our Order, please contact us by email:
Chevalier John Stead KLJ, BMLJ
Chevalier Mike Subritzky Ct, KLJ
or you are welcome to write to us at:
Chevalier Dalton Dean JP, KCLJ, CMLJ, GOMLJ, DipPhm
Commandery Secretary - Order of Saint Lazarus,
9 Royalle Sunset Villas,
127 Boundary Road,
Blockhouse Bay,